Sunday, September 18, 2011

Venue Tips!

Your venue is literally the backdrop of your wedding and/or event and should be selected for its style or openness to create any style.  Not only do you want to think logistically about the location of the venue, but also the size and restraints that come along with it.  Be sure to find out what is included when you book the venue, and if there are select vendors that are required for use.

** WHEN you're on vacation, what type of restaurants do you select?

** WHAT would be the style of your ideal dinner party?

** WHAT is your favorite restaurant, and why?

** ARE you more of a nighttime or daytime person?

** DO you prefer the indoors or outdoors?

Good advice from David! :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Your presence is requested for a festive evening of mystery and fantasty. Coming soon…Venetian Masquerade Ball! For more information, stay tuned!!

(image via Google)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Tomorrow is Labor Day.
Labor day celebrates the economic and social contributions of workers. That's you! Enjoy your weekend and be safe!
Do you have any plans or have you been celebrating all weekend??

Friday, September 2, 2011


It's Friday!! Are you ready for the long weekend?

What are your plans? Is anyone going to be attending a parade?  Do you wear white after Labor Day?